Breitholtz, E., Howes, C. & Cooper, R. (2023). All the more reasons: Mismatches in topoi in dialogue. Journal of Pragmatics, 217, 172-184. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Berman, A. & Howes, C (2022). "Apparently acousticness is positively correlated with neuroticism": Conversational explanations of model predictions. In Proceedings of the 26th Workshop On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (DubDial) - Poster Abstracts, pages 233-235. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Cooper, R., Ginzburg, J. & Larsson, S (2022). Learning Language Games Probabilistically: From Crying to Compositionality. In Bernardy, J-P, Blanck, R, Chatzikyriakidis, S et al (editors), Probabilistic Approaches to Linguistic Theory. CSLI Publications. [More] [Bibtex]
Cooper, R. (2023). From Perception to Communication: a Theory of Types for Action and Meaning. Oxford : Oxford University Press. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Eshghi, A., Howes, C. & Gregoromichelaki, E (2022). Action coordination and learning in dialogue. In Bernardy, J-P, Blanck, R, Chatzikyriakidis, S et al (editors), Probabilistic Approaches to Linguistic Theory. CSLI Publications. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Howes, C (2022). Putting the dialogue into dialogue modelling - Invited talk. In Proceedings of the Young Researchers Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems. [More] [Slides] [Bibtex]
Maraev, V. (2022). Who is laughing now? Laughter-infused dialogue systems. Phd Thesis. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Noble, W., Maraev, V. & Breitholtz, E (2022). Probabilistic pragmatics: A dialogical perspective. In Bernardy, J-P, Blanck, R, Chatzikyriakidis, S et al (editors), Probabilistic Approaches to Linguistic Theory. CSLI Publications. [More] [Bibtex]
Axelsson-Nord, E., Maraev, V., Breitholtz, E. & Howes, C (2021). What do you mean? Eliciting enthymemes in text-based dialogue. In Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - Poster Abstracts. SEMDIAL.. [More] [Poster] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Howes, C., Dobnik, S., Breitholtz, E. & Chatzikyriakidis, S. (2021). Proceedings of the Reasoning and Interaction Conference (ReInAct 2021). [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Howes, C. & Eshghi, A. (2021). Feedback relevance spaces: Interactional constraints on processing contexts in Dynamic Syntax. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 30(2), 331-362. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Howes, C. & Gibson, H. (2021). Dynamic Syntax -- The dynamics of incremental processing: Constraints on underspecification. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 30(2), 263–276. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Larsson, S. & Cooper, R (2021). Bayesian classification and inference in a probabilistic type theory with records. In Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd Workshops on Natural Logic Meets Machine Learning (NALOMA). [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Maraev, V., Breitholtz, E., Howes, C. & Bernardy, J.-P (2021). Why Should I Turn Left? Towards Active Explainability for Spoken Dialogue Systems. Proceedings of the Reasoning and Interaction Conference (ReInAct 2021). [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Maraev, V., Breitholtz, E., Howes, C., Larsson, S. & Cooper, R. (2021). Something old, something new, something borrowed, something taboo: Interaction and creativity in humour. Frontiers in Psychology. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Breitholtz, E. (2020). Enthymemes and Topoi in Dialogue: The Use of Common Sense Reasoning in Conversation. Leiden, The Netherlands : Brill. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Breitholtz, E. & Howes, C (2020). Communicable reasons: How children learn topoi through dialogue. In Proceedings of the 24th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. Waltham, MA : SEMDIAL. [More] [Slides] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Gregoromichelaki, E., Mills, G. J., Howes, C., Eshghi, A., Chatzikyriakidis, S., Purver, M. et al. (2020). Completability vs (In)completeness. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Breitholtz, E. & Maraev, V (2019). How to put an elephant in the title: modeling humorous incongruity with topoi. In roceedings of the 23rd Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - Full Papers. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Howes, C. & Eshghi, A (2019). Feedback Relevance Spaces: A Dynamic Syntax account of dialogue data. In The third Dynamic Syntax conference. [More] [Slides] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Howes, C. & Eshghi, A (2019). Interjection as coordination device: feedback relevance spaces. In 16th International Pragmatics Conference. Hong Kong. [More] [Slides] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Breitholtz, E. & Cooper, R (2018). Relating coordination in non-linguistic games and dialogue games. In Proceedings of the workshop on Dialogue and Perception. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Breitholtz, E. & Cooper, R (2018). Linking topoi in argumentative dialogue to personae. In roceedings of the 22rd Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - Poster Abstracts. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Cooper, R. & Larsson, S (2018). Dynamic Syntax in Type Theory with Records. In Conference on Dynamic Syntax. Edinburgh. [More] [Slides] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Ginzburg, J., Cooper, R., Hough, J. & Schlangen, D (2018). Incrementality and clarification/sluicing potential. In Trueswell, R., Cummins, C., Heycock, C. et al (editors), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21, pages 463-480. Linguistic Society of America. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Purver, M., Hough, J. & Howes, C. (2018). Computational models of miscommunication phenomena. Topics in Cognitive Science, 10(2), 425-451. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
Breitholtz, E., Howes, C. & Cooper, R (2017). Incrementality all the way up. In Computing Natural Language Inference Workshop at the International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS). [More] [Digital version] [Slides] [Bibtex]
Howes, C. & Eshghi, A (2017). Feedback relevance spaces: The organisation of increments in conversation. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2017). Association for Computational Linguisitics. [More] [Digital version] [Poster] [Lightning Slide] [Bibtex]
Howes, C. & Eshghi, A (2017). Formalising backchannel relevance spaces. In The first Dynamic Syntax conference. [More] [Digital version] [Slides] [Bibtex]
Howes, C. & Rieser, H., editors. (2017). Proceedings of the workshop on Formal Approaches to the Dynamics of Linguistic Interaction (FADLI), number 1863, In CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Aachen. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]