Howes, C. (2024). Managed mismatches: Exploiting interactive Reasoning mechanisms in dialogue.. [More]
Breitholtz, E. & Howes, C. (2024). Children's strategies for developing resources in interaction.. [More]
Howes, C. (2024). Is the Age of Reason Dead?.. [More]
Berman, A. & Howes, C (2023). Counterfactual reasoning capabilities of GPT: Preliminary findings. In Proceedings of the 18th SweCog Conference. [More]
Howes, C., Maraev, V. & Breitholtz, E (2023). Menstruating vampires: What talk about taboos can tell us about dialogue. In Proceedings of the 27th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - Poster Abstracts. [More]
Decker, A., Breitholtz, E., Howes, C. & Larsson, S (2023). Topic and genre in dialogue. In Proceedings of the 27th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - Poster Abstracts. [More]
Breitholtz, E., Maraev, V. & Howes, C (2023). Deniable offenses - different ways of communicating controversial messages.. In 18th International Pragmatics Conference.. [More]
Howes, C., Breitholtz, E. & Maraev, V (2023). Not bloody funny: Rhetorical resources for laughter in interaction.. In 18th International Pragmatics Conference.. [More]
Breitholtz, E., Howes, C. & Cooper, R. (2023). All the more reasons: Mismatches in topoi in dialogue. Journal of Pragmatics, 217, 172-184. [More]
Howes, C., Breitholtz, E. & Maraev, V (2023). Because is why: Children’s acquisition of topoi through why questions. In Proceedings of the 2023 CLASP Conference on Learning with Small Data (LSD), pages 48-54. ACL. [More]
Berman, A., Breitholtz, E., Howes, C. & Bernardy, J.-P (2022). Explaining predictions with enthymematic counterfactuals. In Proceedings of BEWARE Workshop at AIxIA. [More]
Howes, C (2022). Putting the dialogue into dialogue modelling - Invited talk. In Proceedings of the Young Researchers Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems. [More]
Berman, A. & Howes, C (2022). "Apparently acousticness is positively correlated with neuroticism": Conversational explanations of model predictions. In Proceedings of the 26th Workshop On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (DubDial) - Poster Abstracts, pages 233-235. [More]
Breitholtz, E. & Howes, C (2022). "He hasn’t done much to keep it up": Annotating topoi in the balloon task. In Proceedings of the 26th Workshop On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (DubDial) - Poster Abstracts, pages 224-226. [More]
Bernardy, J.-P., Grove, J. & Howes, C (2022). Rational Speech Act models are utterance-independent updates of world priors. In Proceedings of the 26th Workshop On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (DubDial), pages 106-115. [More]
Breitholtz, E. & Howes, C (2021). Reasoning with topoi in dialogue. In 17th International Pragmatics Conference. [More]
Ioussef, D., Breitholtz, E. & Howes, C (2021). Don’t you think that a rhetorical question can convey an argument?. In Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SEMDIAL. [More]
Howes, C., Breitholtz, E., Lavelle, M. & Cooper, R (2021). Justifiable reasons for everyone: Dialogical reasoning in patients with schizophrenia. In Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SEMDIAL. [More]
Breitholtz, E., Cooper, R., Howes, C. & Lavelle, M (2021). Reasoning in multiparty dialogue involving patients with schizophrenia. In Amblard, M. (editor), (In)Coherence of Discourse. Springer. [More]
Breitholtz, E. & Howes, C (2020). Communicable reasons: How children learn topoi through dialogue. In Proceedings of the 24th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. Waltham, MA : SEMDIAL. [More]
Breitholtz, E. & Howes, C (2020). Theirs not to reason why: Dialogical reasoning for conversational artificial agents.. In Do Robots Talk? Philosophical Implications of Describing Human-Machine Communication (DoRoTa). [More]
Breitholtz, E., Howes, C. & Cooper, R (2017). Incrementality all the way up. In Computing Natural Language Inference Workshop at the International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS). [More]
Breitholtz, E. & Howes, C (2017). Dialogical reasoning in patients with schizophrenia - Invited Talk. In (In)Coherence of Discourse 4. Nancy, France. [More]
Howes, C., Lavelle, M., Healey, P. G., Breitholtz, E., Hough, J. & McCabe, R (2016). Gesture, self-repair and reasoning in schizophrenia. In Workshop on Mechanisms for Linguistic Interaction. Ghent, Belgium. [More]
Breitholtz, E. & Howes, C (2015). Within reason: Categorising enthymematic reasoning in the balloon task. In Howes, C. & Larsson, S. (editors), Proceedings of the 19th SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (goDIAL), pages 160-161. Gothenburg, Sweden. [More]
Breitholtz, E., Howes, C. & Lavelle, M (2015). Enthymematic reasoning in a moral dilemma -- do patients with schizophrenia reason differently?. In (In)Coherence of Discourse 3. Nancy, France. [More]