@conference{Breitholtz.Cooper_SPFPM_2018, author = "Ellen Breitholtz and Robin Cooper", abstract = "Many of the challenges related to formally accounting for dialogue are met by game board style semantic theories such as KOS (Ginzburg, 2012) and in work by (Cooper, 2012; Cooper and Ginzburg, 2015; Cooper and Larsson, 2009; Breitholtz and Cooper, 2011). Cooper (2014); Breitholtz (2014a); Cooper (prep) introduce a notion of game into game board style semantics but they have no notion of strategy for choice between moves in non-deterministic games. Cooper suggests that such choices could be modelled using techniques from game theory, which could be integrated in a dialogue semantics cast in TTR, a type theory with records (Cooper, 2005, 2012, 2013). In this paper we explore how this approach could be applied to conversational games", address = "Paris", booktitle = "Sociolinguistic, Psycholinguistic and Formal Perspectives on Meaning", month = "jul", title = "{T}owards a game theory for conversational rhetoric", url = "http://www.christinehowes.com/papers/Breitholtz.Cooper_TTR-GT_2018.pdf", year = "2018", }