@conference{Kempson.Chatzikyriakidis.Howes_FADLI_2017, author = "Ruth Kempson and Stergios Chatzikyriakidis and Christine Howes", abstract = "We explore prerequisites necessary for embedding Dynamic Syntax within an account of language evolution. We show how the dynamics of processing as modelled in Dynamic Syntax display remarkable parallelism with Clark's 2016 Predictive Processing Model and that the interactive stance of a combined DS/PPM model of language/cognition reflects the Multi-Level Selection Hypothesis -- with groups as units for evolutionary purposes, not just individuals. With these assumptions, language emerges without necessary invocation of rich innate encapsulated structures or mind-reading capacities, paralleling first language acquisition.", booktitle = "Proceedings of the workshop on Formal Approaches to the Dynamics of Linguistic Interaction (FADLI)", crossref = "Howes.Rieser_FADLI_2017", editor = "Christine Howes and Hannes Rieser", issn = "1613-0073", month = "July", pages = "32--36", publisher = "CEUR Workshop Proceedings", title = "{C}ognitive science, language as a tool for interaction, and a new look at language evolution", url = "http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1863/paper_10.pdf", volume = "1863", year = "2017", }