@conference{Berman.Howes_SEMDIAL_2022, author = "Alexander Berman and Christine Howes", abstract = "This paper describes an experiment that collects human dialogues about predictions of participants’ personality traits on the basis of their music preferences, and presents preliminary results. This type of data can inform the design of explanatory dialogue systems, and the method can straightforwardly be adapted to other domains and statistical models.", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 26th Workshop On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (DubDial) - Poster Abstracts", issn = "2308-2275", pages = "233-235", title = ""{A}pparently acousticness is positively correlated with neuroticism": {C}onversational explanations of model predictions ", url = "https://www.christinehowes.com/papers/Berman.Howes_SEMDIAL_2022.pdf", year = "2022", }