@conference{Giannitzi.Maraev.Howes_LW_2024-copy-1809570911, author = "Eleni Giannitzi and Vladislav Maraev and Christine Howes", abstract = "This paper explores how laughter can be added into a negotiative dialogue with a Furhat, the socially interactive agent (SIA). We present a proof-of-concept method of manipulating robot responses generated by a large language model through the interventions of a human operator. We conduct a pilot experiment focussing on people’s perception of Furhat in case of two intervention types: laughter reciprocation and laughter clarification requests.", booktitle = "Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations Workshop", title = "{R}eacting to the last laugh: {P}robing non-humorous laughter with {F}urhat robot", url = "https://www.christinehowes.com/papers/Giannitzi.etal_LW_2024.pdf", year = "2024", }