@patent{ProctorBeauchamp.Hayes.Howes.etal_AOTD_14, author = "Guy Proctor-Beauchamp and Ann Hayes and Christine Howes and Rose McCabe and Barnaby Perks and Matthew Purver and Sarah Bateup", abstract = "Analysing text-based messages sent between patients and therapists A computer-implemented method comprising: obtaining text from text-based messages sent between a patient and a therapist providing psychological therapy; determining at least one feature of the text; and determining a characteristic of the patient and/or the therapist using the at least one feature.", filing_date = "2014-11-06", issue_date = "2016-05-12", number = "WO20160716", patent_number = "WO2016071659 (A1)", title = "{A}nalysing text-based messages sent between patients and therapists", url = "https://tinyurl.com/patentWO2016071659", year = "2016", }